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Güllü Grambs – Grambs Fahrschule

Lektion Preis CHF
(45 Min.) 100
Kurs Preis CHF
Verkehrskunde VKU

Wissenswertes zu Grambs Fahrschule


Seat Leon Eco Drive (Schaltgetriebe)

Über Güllü Grambs

Du erhälst eine kompetente, individuell an Dich angepasste Ausbildung. Ich komme immer vorbereitet an den Fahrunterricht, bin sehr geduldig und kann Dir umfangreiche Fachkenntnisse vorweisen um ohne Umwege Dein Ziel erfolgreich zu erreichen .

Da ich in Basel aufgewachsen bin und über zehn Jahre im Kanton Aargau wohne, biete ich in Basel-Stadt, Basel-Land und Kanton Aargau den Fahrunterricht an.

Lass uns gemeinsam zu Deinem Ziel starten!!!

Ich freue mich auf Dich!!!


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Bewertungen (1)

Leu Manutnun am 29.01.2021
I am Nok from Thailand .I can't speak and not understand when someone talk to me with German language that is the big problem if I want to learn driveing car .But I'd good luck because my old teacher sent me to her school..the most people have negative thinking that a man teacher is are better than women. But it's not her .She can good communicate and explain what you need to learned as professional driving. She is very patient and pay attention to details which one you have problem.She will change your big problem to small thing and how can you fix it .She isn't cheats your time. She is honest and friendly.If today you want to learn driving But German language is the big your problem. It becomes to small thing if you come to Grabms Fahrschul, Everyone can get driving license ..Grambs Fahrschul can make your dream come true ..